Trenchless Technology met Turkish Municipalities

Jul 08, 2013

Turkish Society for Infrastructure and Trenchless Technology (TSITT) participated ‘Smart Municipal Work Summit’ held by Union of Municipalities of Marmara (UMM) in March 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The summit started with the welcoming speech of Mr. Recep Altepe, the Mayor of Bursa - the fourth largest city of Turkey. Afterwards, Mr. Naim İsmaili, the President of Association of Kosovo Municipalities and Mr. Anders Knape, the President of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions gave their opening speeches. Then, Turkish Deputy Minister of Science Industry and Technology Prof. Dr. Davut Kavranoglu gave his keynote speech. Prof. Dr. Kavranoglu mentioned that municipalities shall take the advantages of latest technologies in order to increase the comfort of the cities.

Thirteen different sessions took place during the event. One of these sessions entitled Trenchless Technology and Urban Infrastructure Practices was moderated by Mr. Yasin Torun, the Chairman of TSITT. Prof. Dr. Fevzi Yilmaz from FSM Vakif University, who is the author of the first Turkish trenchless technology book, made the first presentation and informed the audience regarding the situation and importance of trenchless technology in Turkey. Afterwards, Mr. Fatih Pistil from SASKI (Sakarya Water and Sewerage Administration) presented the successful trenchless applications in the city of Sakarya. Then, Dr. Mucahit Namli, the Vice-Chairman of TSITT, presented the successful pipe-jacking applications in Istanbul. Thereafter, Mr. Sener Polat, the CIPP Consultant for TSITT, presented a benchmarking study covering CIPP markets in Turkey and Germany. The last presentation is made by Dr. Ihsan Engin Bal, the Secretary of TSITT, on trenchless applications of fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) in water transmission systems.

The summit was followed by two thousand visitors. TSITT will keep developing its network with the municipalities and utilities. TSITT proudly announces International No Dig 2015 Istanbul Conference and Exhibition will take place in Istanbul, Turkey. TSITT invites all individuals, institutions and companies around the world to take place in No Dig events in Turkey in a unique country located in the intersection point of Europe, Asia and Middle East. More information is available on



Yasin Torun

Kuyumcukent Kompleksi




+90 (535) 980 8404



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