Scholarships Available for Municipal & Public Utilities for the NASTT 2020 No-Dig Show

Sep 18, 2019

The North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT) — the leading association serving and promoting the North American trenchless industry — is pleased to announce municipal and public utility scholarship opportunities to attend the NASTT 20202 No-Dig Show, April 5-9 in Denver, Colorado.

In 2013, NASTT established the No-Dig Show Municipal & Public Utility Scholarship Award Program to provide education and training for employees of North American municipalities, government agencies and utility owners who have limited or no training funds due to economic challenges. In past years, over 100 applicants were awarded the scholarship annually.

“The NASTT Municipal & Public Utility Scholarship offers public agencies the opportunity in which to participate and experience the world of trenchless. Since its inception in 2013, scholarships have been awarded to more than 850 applicants, and the success of the program continues to increase every year.” said Joe Lane, 2020 No-Dig Show Program Chair and V.P. of International Operations for Insituform. “With an entire show dedicated to trenchless technology, this scholarship is a tremendous opportunity for municipal & public utility employees to attend at little or no cost.”

Selected scholarship winners will be awarded Full Conference and Exhibition registration to the NASTT 2020 No-Dig Show. Also available are one day conference registrations which include full access to all exhibits and technical paper sessions. Selected applicants will also be eligible to receive complimentary overnight accommodations for three nights at the host hotel. The scholarship applications are reviewed by a committee of NASTT volunteers and awarded based upon the supplied responses.

To apply for the scholarship, complete the application online on or before November 1, 2019. Applicants are not required to be NASTT members.
NASTT’s Municipal & Public Utility Scholarships program is sponsored by Benjamin Media, Inc, award-winning publisher of the leading underground construction magazine, Trenchless Technology.





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