Profit from profile measurement with Amberg Control

Dec 05, 2014

Amberg Technologies presents new software solutions for tunnel construction projects

The demands on state-of-the-art tunnel construction are immense: the greatest possible cost-effectiveness from the first blasting round to the final construction is key. Cost-saving solutions are required while retaining highest precision and quality. In order to better meet those requirements, Amberg Technologies has developed the new Amberg Control system solution. This software enables creating complete and significant reports on all recorded profile measurement data in no time.

The software generates data on as-built comparisons as well as meas. vs. meas. comparisons. From first blasting round control and the calculation of the geological over-profile to non-destructive concrete layer thickness control, Amberg Control provides all key tunnel construction project data in a reliable and swift manner. One distinguishing advantage of Amberg Control is the broadened import interface, enabling the use of data by different total stations.

This independence from measurement instruments provides users with greater flexibility during data analysis. Furthermore, Amberg Control for the first time enables complete 3D calculation and visualisation from measurement data. “This new feature allows us to meet increased customer demands as the swift and easy interpretation of measurement results is vital in state-of-the-art tunnel construction“, according to Oliver Schneider, Product Manager Tunnel at Amberg Technologies.

The 3D calculation of measurement data is supported by the new Amberg Applications 6.0. The on-board software for Leica total stations records all profile data without additional hardware. Amberg Control is furthermore fully compatible with the Amberg Navigator – the tablet solution for profile measurements inside a tunnel. “In the process of developing the software, we put great focus on creating fully integrated work and data flows. Thanks to Amberg Control, Amberg Applications and Amberg Navigator, our customers are in full control of tunnel construction measurement technology”, explains Schneider.

Amberg Control constitutes the further development of the Amberg TMS product portfolio. It functionally complements the established TMS profile system solutions. The software is available in two versions: the starter model, Amberg Control Basic, compares as-built comparisons. Amberg Control Plus additionally allows meas. vs. meas. comparisons.


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