Istanbul Metro: Otogar-Baðcilar Extension (Istanbul, Turkey)

Jan 29, 2007

The Joint Venture of Gülermak-Doðuþ is proceeding with the construction of the tunnels for the expansion expansion of the Istanbul Metro.

They are utilizing a Lovat 6.5 meterdiameter mixed-fact EPB TBM, Model RME257SE Series 17900 was delivered to the Istanbul site in the fall of 2005 where it was refurbished and assembled with the assistance of Lovat. Complementing the refurbishment services, Lovat has assisted with on-site PLC, Hydraulic, and Electrical Engineering Specialists and Operators.

The joint venture of Gülermak-Dogus has completed 659 Rings (about 990 m) of a planned 3900 rings. The EPB TBM will be completing Twin Tunnels of 2,950 meters for a total bore of 5,900 meters. The TBM is driving through clay, silt and sands with a maximum expected EPB pressure of 5 bar.

Production records to date show mining times of 17 to 22 minutes and shift averages of 10 rings installed in a 12 hour period.

Gülermak-Doðuþ has also purchased 2 additional Lovat RME257SE EPB TBMs for Metro Istanbul’s Baðcilar-Baþak Konutlari Extension: TBM S2 is in transit to site and S3 is currently under manufacture at the Lovat Plant, in Toronto, Canada.


Lovat, Inc.



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