New online module on "Lining with cured-in-place pipes" offers important basic knowledge

Mar 28, 2022

The new module "Lining with cured-in-place pipes" is now available for all users of the "E-Learning at Enterprises". UNITRACC wishes you a lot of fun exploring the underground!

The rehabilitation of our ageing drain and sewer systems, like their construction, is a task that spans generations. Rehabilitation procedures and rules for their application are subject to a permanent development process. The new online module on the subject of "lining processes" provides a detailed understanding of the essential basics of "Lining with cured-in-place pipes", such as: Terms and definitions, materials of the composite system, membranes (foils or coatings), resin systems, carrier materials (needle felt (polymeric fibres) and glass fibre), production and properties, impregnation of the carrier materials, quality influences during manufacturing and impregnation, material characteristics of the composite system and areas of application as well as application limits.

The module is based on approx. 50 learning steps and contains approx. 70 illustrations. It is available for all users of the UNITRACC knowledge package "E-Learning in the company" at any time. More information can be found at

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