News and Articles

May 18, 2007


Erez Allouche (Trenchless Technology Center)

Pipeline scanning: Novel technology for detection of voids and internal defects in non-conductive buried pipes

Non-conductive buried pipe systems deteriorate over time under the action of various applied and environmental loads, chemical and microbiological induced corrosions, and differential settlements. A key for effective infrastructure management practices is the availability of reliable and timely inspection data that serve as the basis for the selection of proper rehabilitation/replacement methods. CCTV inspection is limited to detection of visible defects on the inner wall of the pipe. Defects hidden beneath encrustation, cement mortar lining or a thermoplastic liner, as well as voids immediately outside of the pipe, are currently difficult if not impossible to detect. It is proposed to develop a novel inspection technology, employing ultra-wideband (UWB) pulsed radar system, for detecting “below surface” defects, corrosion, and out-of-pipe voids in non-metallic buried pipes. This paper presents the theoretical foundation for the proposed method, followed by the results of a detailed numerical simulation. The numerical simulation employed custom-developed finite difference time domain (FDTD) code using a cylindrical coordinate system. Results from simulating the scanning of selected soil-pipe interface scenarios are presented. Experimental validation efforts of the proposed pipe scanning approach are also described.

May 16, 2007


The Renewable Energy Centre

The Renewable Energy Centre discusses the future of water recycling

With ever increasing temperatures, less rainfall and a summer hosepipe ban a likely possibility this year, The Renewable Energy Centre discusses water recycling and how useful it will be to us in the future?

May 14, 2007



Robbins receives prestigious award for AMR Project in India

On April 12, 2007, Robbins was named Small Business Environmental Project Exporter of the Year by the Export-Import Bank of the United States. The recent accolade is in reference to the AMR Project in Andhra Pradesh, India. The contract is for the largest single TBM order in history, which includes two Robbins 10 m (32.8 ft) diameter Double Shield machines, back-up systems, conveyors, cutters, other associated equipment, and personnel. Ex-Im Bank is involved in the project through backing the contract with a Working Capital Guarantee (WCG).

May 11, 2007


Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Hans-Joachim de la Camp

Testing and optimisation using stress tests

The TÜV SÜD stress test constitutes of integral strength testing to eliminate critical defects. This method optimises pipeline operation, extends the service life and enhances the safety and cost-effectiveness of pipelines.

May 08, 2007


IKT - Institut für Unterirdische Infrastruktur gemeinnützige GmbH

Large profiled plastic pipes: practical experience and test concepts

Besides the so-called classic materials concrete, reinforced concrete, vitrified clay and cast iron, plastic products are increasingly used for the construction, renewal and renovation of drains and sewers. Numerous surveys, research projects and product tests by the IKT - Institute for Underground Infrastructure (Gelsenkirchen, Germany) have dealt with the behaviour of single products under practical and laboratory conditions (cf. [1], [2], [3], [4]). Special emphasis was put on the rehabilitation of sewers, the investigation of special applications, the influence of quality as well as the determination of demands on the dimensioning and testing of pipes and construction methods.

May 08, 2007


Water UK

Water UK appoints accreditation body for in situ lining of water mains

Water UK has appointed the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to accredit companies wishing to be nominated certifying bodies for contractors carrying out in situ lining of water mains.

May 07, 2007


North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT)

NASTT is now accepting abstracts for the 2008 No-Dig Conference in Dallas

Deadline for Submissions: June 15, 2007

May 07, 2007


Nordic Water Products AB

Environmental treatment for aircraft wash-water

Washing and maintaining aircraft can produce a lot of environmental contamination, especially in the form of heavy metals. Stockholm’s Arlanda airport has, for several years, been operating a purpose-designed, wash-water treatment plant to take care of this problem.

May 04, 2007



Water industry fares well in international line-up - says Ofwat report

The water industry in England and Wales compares well against a wide range of countries in Europe, North America and Australia, says a new report published by Ofwat in April.

May 02, 2007


North American Society for Trenchless Technology [NASTT]

Northwest Chapter to Host Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Good Practices Guidelines Training

The Northwest Chapter of the North American Society for Trenchless Technology is pleased to offer a two-day Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Good Practices Guidelines Course, May 15-16 at the Swedish Cultural Center in Seattle.

May 01, 2007


Pipelife International GmbH

Pipelife acquires Quality Plastics in Ireland

Pipelife, one of the world leaders in Plastic Pipes and Fittings, acquires Quality Plastics in Ireland.

Apr 27, 2007


Trenchless Australasia

Trenchless assisting Tasmanian natural gas roll-out

In 2003 the Tasmanian Government announced it would construct a natural gas pipeline network across the state for commercial and residential users, and Trenchless Technology has had a part to play in building this network.

Apr 25, 2007


Institute for Underground Infrastructure (IKT)

International Symposium: Trees and Underground Pipes -Busting the Myths-

In urban areas trees grow in the vicintity of sewers, drains and service pipes. Their roots grow into cracks and pipe connections. Furthermore roots find no natural soil to grow in. This leads to a couple of conflicts between trees and underground pipes.

Apr 23, 2007


egeplast Werner Strumann GmbH & Co. KG

egeplast pipe heater system: tempering tool makes pipe installation even easier

egeplast supplies its pipe heater system to assure easier welding of pipe coils, particularly in cooler periods. This tempering tool permits stress free welding of pipe ends for pipe coils and welding on of tapping type valves and fittings. It thus makes already trouble free installation of PE piping even easier.

Apr 20, 2007


Kielce University of Technology

Future technologies of trenchless renovation of the pipelines which have earlier been no-dig renovated

Trencheless technologies of building and renovation of pipelines have been successfully applied in Poland for many years. After historical economic and political change in 1989, when the socialistic system was abolished, Polish economy started to develop very dynamically, including the branch connected with building, enlargement and renovation of underground infrastructure.

Apr 18, 2007


Plastics Europe

L'histoire se répète

The policy of the EU to encourage privatisation of the water sector has been criticised by a group of 45 civil society and labour organisations.

Apr 16, 2007


Insituform Technologies®

Insituform Technologies, Inc. announces steps to respond to stagnant U.S. sewer pipeline rehabilitation market

Insituform Technologies, Inc. discussed the continuing stagnation of spending levels in the U.S. sewer pipeline rehabilitation market, outlining its plans to address the impact of market stagnation on Insituform and providing direction for 2007.

Apr 12, 2007



Efficiently installed, flexible, permanently leak-proof - FRIAFIT® sewage system for the largest hangar in Europe

The largest aircraft hangar in Europe is to be built in the south of the Frankfurt airport and completed by 2015. Up to four aircrafts of the type Airbus A380 will once be housed on a floor space of 49,000 square metres. The first half of the hangar is expected to be completed in 2008. A hangar of this size requires a sewage system which can be installed efficiently and which is permanently leakproof – despite high peak loads.

Apr 10, 2007


Erez Allouche (Trenchless Technology Center)

Use of nanomaterials for concrete pipe protection

Microbial induced corrosion (MIC) in concrete sewer conveyance systems is one of the most common types of deterioration encountered in such structures. This corrosion involves a chemical reaction between hydration products in the hardened concrete and biologically produced sulfuric acid, which alter the concrete chemical composition leading to early deterioration, loss of strength and, in extreme cases, pipe collapse due to inability to resist external earth and live loads.

Apr 09, 2007


Niranjan Swarup [Executive Director of the Indian Society for Trenchless Technology (INDSTT)]

Trenchless Technology vocational qualification project

The Indian Society for Trenchless Technology (IndSTT) has proposed a set of standards for the operation of HDD equipment, in order to ensure the integrity of machine handling and job execution.

Apr 05, 2007



Thames tideway decision announced

Ofwat welcomes the clarity brought by the British government's decision, but remains concerned about the value for money for water customers of this very costly scheme - probably over £2bn - in terms of the health and environmental improvements it will deliver.

Apr 04, 2007


Thames Water Utilities Ltd.

Thames Tideway: 'Tunnel will deliver a sewerage system fit for 21st century and beyond'

Thames Water responded positively to the British government's decision to give the go ahead for the Tideway Tunnel to tackle overflows from London's sewers to the River Thames.

Apr 02, 2007


Sandvik AB

Sandvik acquires Australian Hydramatic Engineering

Sandvik has reached an agreement to acquire Hydramatic Engineering Pty Ltd (Hydramatic).

Mar 28, 2007


Trenchless Australasia

Drilling fluids: back to basics

With advances in HDD technology and equipment it is easy to forget the basics – particularly when dealing with the fundamentals of the testing and concepts used in HDD drilling fluids.

Mar 27, 2007


Knowledge Factory GmbH, Bochum (Germany)

Hello India, this is Germany! - UNITRACC and INDSTT train Indian decision makers with a course on trenchless technologies

From 20 March to 29 March 2007 UNITRACC trained Indian decision makers at the competence centre of the Indian Society for Trenchless Technology (INDSTT) in New Delhi with the online course programme "Trenchless 101". The course dealt with the latest trenchless alternatives for the new installation and rehabilitation. The seminar closed with the two-day event "No-Dig India" under the subheading "No-Dig India Capacity Building for Urban Renewal through Trenchless Technology" where the participants of the course were awarded their certificates. Robert Stein, managing director of Knowledge Factory, UNITRACC's operating company, icontributed to the event by giving a lecture on the sustainability of supply and disposal infrastructures.
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